Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Things I seem to notice...

You know....

  • When I am riding my scooter and I am doing the speed limit, or slightly slower...the one that comes barreling up on my rear, swerving to try to get around me and shouting at their windshield most likely has a big assed vehicle like a pick-up truck, usually it's an F 150...but it can also be hummer or something. He's usually wearing a tank top, has a mustache, his hair parted in the middle and is wearing aviator-type sunglasses...usually he's 5'7" or less. I can usually call it on the speed of their approach. I don't know why this is, it just happens to be the usual result. It's usually someone whose masculinity seems to be riding on that very moment.
  • I always wonder if that person riding around Meier in the motorized cart really is disabled, or just big? I know that sounds like a cruel assessment, but I usually notice that they get out of those things and walk just fine. Some need it, but I'll bet an equal amount of them don't.
  • If that person at work is constantly is cutting down and degrading people when they are not present to hear it, and then pretend to like them when they are around:You can bet your butt that they are doing the same thing to you. This person is poison. Be careful what you say to them.
  • You know that "intellectual" person that carries themselves like they really are smarter, only discussing things that an intellectual would discuss, and calling people on the carpet to question the depth of their knowledge on an issue in an effort to highlight their own wit and intellect? That person, socially, is doing the same thing as the drunk guy at the bar bragging about the size of his wanker; He knows that no one will really know the real deal, yet, is oblivious about no one really giving a shit. Now how smart is he?
  • GUYS- When a girl says to you, "Oh, you don't have to worry about Ken, he is like a brother to me"... RUN. Run fast. Run like Bruce Jenner. And do NOT look back.
  • GIRLS- If you're out there looking for the the 'bad-boy' type...keep this in mind: Once that excitement has worn off, once he's old news to your friends, and you see that he really is not going to progress for you.....you can't complain- you're the one who was looking for 'bad'. Most likely, that's what you'll end up with. Enjoy your bad boy.

~That's all I have for now.....for now.

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