Thursday, November 12, 2009

Where America is going: Part 1

I was just in Facebook today, when a very dear friend of mine posted that she was thankful for her freedom to pray wherever and whenever she pleases.  Then, another friend of mine posted that for Christians they have the freedom, but for Muslim's, not so much.

  It made me think: Is that right? For sure we know that if a Muslim was to throw down a mat and pray to their god, it would certainly be met with mixed reactions. 

And then it made me think: In certain parts of the world a christian would be burned and dragged through the streets and stoned and beheaded for praying to Jesus:

 Naaaw, I still go with Christianity.  Lets get away from the rogue jerks in this country that kill because someone believes differently.  You always have those.  But the one thing that stands VERY clear, and is NOT a threat to our country is Christianity; versus the other religious crusades, whos sole purpose is to convert the World, and I quote "By the carrot or by the Sword".  (This means..if they have their way, you will believe as they believe, or the world will be cleansed of you, via YOUR gruesome death).

  So if people in this country and society are a little shaky about conceding our liberties and our founders way of life to give way to a people who think we should sort of can't blame them for being a little leary.

   You see, America was founded on the gospel of Jesus Christ.  Patrick Henry said:

"It cannot be emphasized too clearly and too often that this nation was founded, not by religionists, but by Christians; not on religion, but on the gospel of Jesus Christ. For this very reason, peoples of other faiths have been afforded asylum, prosperity, and freedom of worship here." [May 1765 Speech to the House of Burgesses]

  This means the other faiths do NOT steer the ship for the majority, they are along for the ride. This means that THEY don't dictate our national intentions, they live with them.  It DOES NOT mean we take prayer out of school. It does NOT mean the Ten Commandments get taken off the city hall steps. It does NOT mean we (Christians) stop praying in public venues.(publicly): THEY wanted to come to the United States of America. They do not have to convert, but we should never have even started "stopping" things because a handful of ungrateful whiners started crying about things.   THIS IS NOT Tel-Aviv. This is NOT China.  This country WAS founded on the gospel of Jesus Christ.  People of different faiths are afforded asylum here...not control.  You don't bring a baseball mit to a football game.  One Nation, under God.   What do you suppose would happen if I went to the middle east, got offended, and demanded that they remove all wailing walls?   Well folks, we should never have entertained the first cry-baby that moaned about her kid having to listen to the pledge of allegiance.  Some things about a country, to maintain it's integrity, traditions, and values should not be changed. When you start changing the intent to pacify a hand full of start loosening the bolts that hold the boat together.

  To them, I say MOVE.   THIS country was founded a christian country.  Don't like it? Split. You also have the freedom to leave.

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