Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Holiday- 2049

   What will Christmas be like in 2049?

~2049~ (I'm just going to write, I won't proof read it..LOL)
  The holiday itself will no longer be called 'Christmas', it was deemed socially unacceptable 20 years ago because of the number of different religions that had complained they felt left out by current labels for the time period.  Christmas, by President Musarfa Al Quendeb was made "obsolete" on a federal level, and was called "Holiday".....until 2030, when anti religion activists succeeded in changing the name, because 'Holiday' was what most people actually had to say in place of Christmas (in 2009), and wanted a more "all-encompassing" term for that particular time of year.  The socialist party didn't normally honor voting for such matters, but since it wasn't a matter of national security they allowed voting from the people.  The contenders for the title were "Joy Time", "Work and School days off period", Winters Solstice, Granted Time Allocation and the Nondenominational Winters Solstice Period.    The trick was to make it acceptable for the majority.  "Joy Time" was quickly nipped out, and the first to go...since many were insulted at the very idea we should tell them to feel Joy. They will feel what they want, and should not be told how to feel. So it was gone.    Granted time allocation is another term for 'Break', which took place at work daily, so they felt there wasn't enough to separate the two concepts.   Eventually, since many wanted to be spiritual without crossing the line on the 'no particular deity' rule...decided to go with "Nondenominational Winters Solstice Period"...hoping that it would lead to the legal ability to be spiritually attached to something. 

 Christmas trees were something different. They once stood as symbols of Christmas.  Later, in the early 2000's they would be called "Holiday' trees.  Eventually, the term 'Holiday' (Al Quendeb) was stricken from language, except for history classes, and the symbol itself would disappear so as not to promote the memory of Christmas. The very term 'Christmas' in this age carries the same social weight of dropping the f-bomb in front of a kindergarten class. It's unthinkable to say it in public. Christians were allowed to celebrate their holiday privately, in a single room in their house, and that room must have no windows.  Sounds from that room must not be heard, so the rooms had to be sound-proof.   At no point ever must the images from any religions surface in public view. This was probably because of the riots and the rising cost of grief counseling to the government (the government handles all matters of every citizen, except domestic disputes inside the home).   At a certain point, many activists insisted that pine trees be eliminated from North America because it reminded them of the C-word, but the environmentalists won that battle, pointing out that trees are actually good.   Eventually, the C-word tree was modified several times over the years to appease the various sorts of people, and became the "Solstice Pole".  An acceptable solstice pole must not be made of wood, since that came from a tree. It was made of granite, and was very expensive.  It protruded from a cement base with a hole in it, so it could be taken apart and stored with ease.  When people erected the Solstice Pole one day after "Base Gratitude Day", they would chant in a single flat note:

Oh Solstice Pole, Oh Solstice Pole
Oh there you stand just standing
Oh Solstice Pole, Oh Solstice Pole
you stand so straight and commanding
I feel no joy, I feel no hate
I feel neutral, while you stand so straight.
Oh Solstice Pole, Oh Solstice Pole
give me an order, I will comply.

Then, the chanting would end with a single subtle nod, and the family would all go to bed.

 Then, the father would command his children to go to bed.  And that's when he'd tell them the Solstice Tale, "It was the night preceding the Solstice Period" 

It was the night preceding the Solstice Period
and all through the house
Not a creature was stirring
without approval from the Committee

Random articles of clothing were hung
by the thought police microphones with care
paying attention not to block the camera
that watched us from there.

When all of the sudden there arose such a clatter
I ran to the window to see what was the matter
An impressively smart being stood transgendered in the crowd
I would have shown emotion
but that isn't allowed.

I watched it work as it evaluated my home
checking off items I placed there alone
with a blue glow, this being surveyed
it acknowledged my presence, and said in monotone

You have complied and you feel what's allowed.
I grant you permission to walk in the crowd.
And I watched it hover from out of sight
and it said to me
"Have an acceptable time, I acknowledge this night"

 The kids would hum one note, and would then receive their sleeping injections.

  The official colors of the Solstice Period were contemporary: Black and White, and should show no favor to any particular shape so as not to offend those who dislike certain shapes like triangles, squares, and the occasional octagon.  The Image Committee decided on Ovular items, since it was the average shape of a human head. If it were a sphere, it had to represent the globe. But if a globe is displayed by the solstice pole, it had to be spinning very quickly so it did not rest nor show favor to any particular country.

  Acceptable street-level greetings would be. "Remain Physically Healthy", "I acknowledge your presence", "Acceptable", simply humming a minor note, or a single spinning movement that must not resemble dancing. 

 The solstice period is now a period of time that can offend no one, nor show favor to nothing. Society decided it was better to appear neutral on these matters than to emotionally traumatize the 'people of spiritual melancholy', and face possible 'religious harassment' charges..which carry a heavier penalty and "shame-rate" as a second degree murderer.   Everyone now is happy...errr...I mean everyone feels that this arrangement is acceptable, and non offensive...and this is how the holiday season was allowed to prevail.

  Happy Nondenominal Winters Solstice Period to you and your family units.  Understand that rest is beneficial, and you must nourish yourselves.



Saturday, November 14, 2009

Cliques- and Life

A dear friend of mine today, (as we stood in the parking lot of Villa Bakery) made note that she was glad to see how well all of us grew up. She noticed that the cliques kind of dried up and that we all are cool years later.

I really couldn't help but agree. I thought about that all the way home. At our November 7th mini-reunion it was really great, and everyone was talking together like old friends and in some cases, like family.

I know that adult cliques and exclusivity exist. That usually boils down to the prestige people carry and the money they make (socioeconomics). But that's different.

We were talking about High School. In high school there were different types, gone unlabeled (here) because actually, the classic "Jock" "Princess" "nerd" "burnout" theories didn't necessarily apply to most specific individuals. There were simply the people "to be seen with", the people no one notices, and the ones to NOT be seen with.

If you thought back to which category you fell under in high school, did you boil it down to your own personality type? Did some of it boil down to your upbringing or parental pressure, maybe? A lot of it may have been interest-based, and so forth. But what the bottom line was, it brought on a sort of division as we became older kids.

As toddler-type kids, we played together..not being aware of any differences. Then, with every new taste of life's interesting features we learned how to SEE differences, we learned how to fit in somewhere right around grade 6. A few years later we acclimated ourselves to an image or niche, and became the jock, burn,nerd, princess, etc.

Another thing I learned about was that for some people, their high school years were either hell or happiness, based on where you got pigeon holed. MANY people you may not see at a class reunion because they remembered how cruel everyone was to them. The flip side was that there are people that were really popular, and had no fear of turning up somewhere with these people again.

Some people look back at their high-school years with indifference and distance, because they figure that was a long time ago, they are over it, and that they prefer to live in the today. While some (like myself) look back at my school years, especially my classmates with a high degree of fondness because I know I spent a lot of my formative years with a lot of these people. I see them as almost family, because they knew me when we were practically babies, and we know each other now: well into our 40's. I have memories of all of them. Many of them I outright love for those memories.

The thing is...popularity...cliques....27 years later, it all comes to mean nothing. Life did bring its balance: It humbled many of the popular, and boosted a lot of self-esteems for others; and in the end, what we are is a compilation of people with life experience. Some similar stories, some different. No one's better. No one's a loser, and "winner" is really relative. We know that riches don't always come down to a high grade point, money, the house and job we have...but the love we gave and received. Our families. Our babies first cries. The way our husbands or wives looked on the alter. The thoughts and emotions we will take with us til our very last days. Our lives make us rich, not our images, and not our things. When you are 46, you really realize that (in the end) popularity is an illusion..kind of like a hologram.

I was so happy on November 7th, because every damn person that was there was an awesome, friendly, and interesting person. They all carry with them the stories and lives that made them the characters they are now. They now have so much more from living than popularity could ever give them, and at last: we are all rich.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Where America is going: Part 1

I was just in Facebook today, when a very dear friend of mine posted that she was thankful for her freedom to pray wherever and whenever she pleases.  Then, another friend of mine posted that for Christians they have the freedom, but for Muslim's, not so much.

  It made me think: Is that right? For sure we know that if a Muslim was to throw down a mat and pray to their god, it would certainly be met with mixed reactions. 

And then it made me think: In certain parts of the world a christian would be burned and dragged through the streets and stoned and beheaded for praying to Jesus:

 Naaaw, I still go with Christianity.  Lets get away from the rogue jerks in this country that kill because someone believes differently.  You always have those.  But the one thing that stands VERY clear, and is NOT a threat to our country is Christianity; versus the other religious crusades, whos sole purpose is to convert the World, and I quote "By the carrot or by the Sword".  (This means..if they have their way, you will believe as they believe, or the world will be cleansed of you, via YOUR gruesome death).

  So if people in this country and society are a little shaky about conceding our liberties and our founders way of life to give way to a people who think we should die...well....you sort of can't blame them for being a little leary.

   You see, America was founded on the gospel of Jesus Christ.  Patrick Henry said:

"It cannot be emphasized too clearly and too often that this nation was founded, not by religionists, but by Christians; not on religion, but on the gospel of Jesus Christ. For this very reason, peoples of other faiths have been afforded asylum, prosperity, and freedom of worship here." [May 1765 Speech to the House of Burgesses]

  This means the other faiths do NOT steer the ship for the majority, they are along for the ride. This means that THEY don't dictate our national intentions, they live with them.  It DOES NOT mean we take prayer out of school. It does NOT mean the Ten Commandments get taken off the city hall steps. It does NOT mean we (Christians) stop praying in public venues.(publicly): THEY wanted to come to the United States of America. They do not have to convert, but we should never have even started "stopping" things because a handful of ungrateful whiners started crying about things.   THIS IS NOT Tel-Aviv. This is NOT China.  This country WAS founded on the gospel of Jesus Christ.  People of different faiths are afforded asylum here...not control.  You don't bring a baseball mit to a football game.  One Nation, under God.   What do you suppose would happen if I went to the middle east, got offended, and demanded that they remove all wailing walls?   Well folks, we should never have entertained the first cry-baby that moaned about her kid having to listen to the pledge of allegiance.  Some things about a country, to maintain it's integrity, traditions, and values should not be changed. When you start changing the intent to pacify a hand full of whiners...you start loosening the bolts that hold the boat together.

  To them, I say MOVE.   THIS country was founded a christian country.  Don't like it? Split. You also have the freedom to leave.

Monday, October 26, 2009

My First E-mail Blog Post- Obla-di, Obla-da in just 2 years.

  I decided, since another one of my friends uses Blogger.com (yaaay Rebecca!) I would go ahead and try to be more active on my blog.  I deleted 2 previous posts here:  The reason I deleted them was unclear to even myself, other than I think I was a bit too...ummm.....bitter.  The posts were regarding the one year anniversary of the discovery that my (ex) fiancee had cheated on me while on a business trip.  It ended an 8 year relationship that I had put a whole lot of heart and effort into.

  So now it's 2 years, or, a little over.

  So what does a 45 year old man say after 2 years following the demise of such a relationship?


   Of course 2 years ago, things were by NO means oblidioblada.  I was crushed. But on this very day, I say that I am glad it all happened.  Maybe I could have done without the pain then, but the act of ending that relationship was the best thing I could have ever done to discover who I am.

  In those 2 years I have had all sorts of time to make mistakes, rebound,  resist, run away from people, dig in to myself and go heavily into the things I really love (like food, working out, and going car-crazy).  I'm taking the time I need to live alone and like it.  I'm going through changes in myself that I wouldn't have gone through had I stayed with my ex.  I'm a person now that I like MUCH more than I did 2 years ago. 

  If I were to give one piece of advice to all of my friends, I would say this:  If while you are WHERE you are, and you feel like a large part of you is really somewhere else: Change things, before it's too late. Change it before you lose who you really are.  If deep down inside you KNOW you could be happier, and that you are just going with the status quo now... change the situation before you're too old to do anything for your own life's happiness.

  I know that's not exactly light subject matter that I'm covering....but it's SO worthwhile, and on this 2 year anniversary of the death and rebirth of my...ummm.....self, I would like to celebrate by passing that advice on to those I love.  If you love yourself, do not accept anything less.

  Until Next!