Sunday, August 1, 2010

ILLEGALS: I'm weighing in

Me weighing in on recent immigration activity:

This should be short: Word has it that Arizona’s Governor is proposing that all immigrants carry documents to be able to prove their citizenship status at all times. Okay…I think she’s getting a little carried away. Because “immigrants” would stop at people who are Mexican-looking…and it’d most likely mean that Mexican-looking people could potentially go through a hell that most others won’t have to go through. That’s not right. That’s not fair. I think she should think of something else.

However, I think that should a person (who was pulled over, or whatever) is DISCOVERED to be an illegal::: the deportation process should begin immediately. They are here illegally, and the police should act as soon as humanly possible. I also think that people that are pulled over with no valid means of identification or a social security number should be detained, pending the verification of their legal status. And why not? If I go into Canada, and try to come back to the U.S. without proof…will I not be detained? I sure will and I certainly better be!

Some of the arguments posed on behalf of illegals detail how underhanded and sinister Arizona’s Governor and Sheriff are…but are we forgetting that they are acting against people who were underhanded enough to sneak over here? Did you know your hard-earned tax money is going into all of these dealings with illegal people being here, and whether or not the dealings are in their favor…YOU are paying for these dealings? It doesn’t have anything to do with “fairness” or “hate”..because they dishonestly got here and broke the law in doing so. They shouldn’t have the same rights you do. We should treat them humanely…as we swiftly identify and deport. This goes without mentioning trying to create special programs that benefit them. Why the fuck would we try to benefit them?

So…even though I think that the legislation of expecting everyone to carry papers is not very well thought…I am certainly not in the lib camp when it comes to (somehow) embracing illegals. Lets not attend the rock concerts dedicated to loving those illegals: Lets not try to make them look like poor unfortunate innocents. They were dishonest, and snuck into your country. They compromised national security by defying our borders and authority. So put your wallets back and turn them in.

And let’s make VERY damn sure we separate the concepts “illegal” and “immigrant”. Or by POLITICIZING it by calling them “undocumented immigrants”. If they are illegal, they are not (by any means) an immigrant. They are either an immigrant, or they are here illegally. I’d prefer we didn’t give them any sort of deceptively preferential status by calling them any sort of immigrant. We should call them intruders..and we should act accordingly. Trying to be nice with regard to people who are here illegally is going to open the doors for us, to being eaten and defeated from within by the very people we were sucking up to. Some sort of integrity and control has to occur in there somewhere. If someone sneaks into the country and gets discovered…I don’t want to have to pay for his college and give him tax breaks for his business… oh holy shit…don’t get me started on that, either…. But I will say we shouldn’t be blowing these people…we should be bouncing them.

Well…I guess it wasn’t so short.